


Inspection - Check List


ICS Name / {{ICS_Name}}: {{name_of_ICS}}

Standards: {{Standards}}

{{Section1}} : {{General_Information}} (Section 1 : General Information)

Tracenet Code : {{tracenet_code}}


Farmer Name : {{farmer_name}}

{{farmer_name_text}} :

Village : {{village}}

{{Village}} :

Taluka : {{taluka}}

{{Taluka}} :

District : {{district}}

{{District}} :

Survey No : {{survey_No}}

{{Survey_No}} :

GPS Reading : {{GPS_Reading}}

{{GPS_Reading_text}} :

Number of Plot : {{number_of_Plot}}

{{Number_of_Plot}} :

Total Land Holding (Ha) : {{total_Land_Holding}}

{{Total_Land_Holding_Ha}} :

Land offered for Organic (Ha) : {{land_offered_for_Organic}}

{{Land_offered_for_Organic_Ha}} :

Farmer is having the land Holding more than 4 Ha ?



Organic status / {{Organic_status_text}}


Season & Year


Crop Name


Area (Ha)


Esti. Yield (MT)


Type of crop


Purpose of Use


{{Farm_And_Farm_Management}} (Farm and Farm Management)

{{Check_List}} (Check List)

1st Inspection Check Point

2nd Inspection Check Point



Whole farm is managed organically (All Crop)




If also non-organic crop : Conventioanl plots clearly separate from organic plots, storage of inputs is separate




If also non-organic crop : organic crop is not grown on non- organic plots (no parellel Production)




{{Farm_And_Farm_Management}} (Farm and Farm Management)

{{Check_List}} (Check List)

1st Inspection Check Point

2nd Inspection Check Point



Certified organic seed or planting material used




Farmer trained in organic standards




Farmer aware of internal organic standards




Burning of crop residues / {{Burning_of_crop_residues}}?



General assessment of the farm with regard to Sustainabilty




Border and prevention of drift / {{Border_and_prevention_of_drift}}



Weed control / {{Weed_control}}



Pest Management / {{Pest_Management}}



Disease Management / {{Disease_Management}}?



Cleanliness of the farm / {{Cleanliness_of_the_farm}}



Implementation of all required activities




General Assessment of crop / {{General_Assessment_of_crop}}



Comment / {{Comments}}



{{Soil_Fertility_Management}} (Soil Fertility Management)

List of all input Used / {{List_of_all_input_Used}}



Does the fertilization program base on the use of biodegradable material of microbial, plant or animal origin?




Does Ingredients of the input used for soil fertility management are approved?




Soil erosion risk exist? / {{Soil_erosion_risk_exist}}



If raw manure is applied, has it incorporated into soil not less then 120 days prior to harvest of a product whose edible portion has direct contact with the soil particles?




{{Soil_Fertility_Management}} (Soil Fertility Management)

{{Check_List}} (Check List)

1st Inspection Check Point

2nd Inspection Check Point



If corporate into soil not less then 90 days prior to harvest of a product whose edible portion has direct contact with the soil particles?




Any mineral fertilizers used comply with applies standards?




Verify that no prohibited fertilizers have been used?




Comment / {{Comments}}



{{Production_Harvest_Storage_and_Transport}} (Production, Harvest, Storage and Transport)

Is there any possibility of contamination and commingling during harvest? If yes, describe






What material is use for packaging?




Storage Place / {{Storage_Place}}



Commingling/Contamination chance during the transportation ?








{{Animal_Husbandry}} (Animal Husbandry)

Living condition of the animals on farm are Acceptable?




Animal feed with organic? /{{Animal_feed_with_organic}} ?



No medication without veterinary prescription?








{{Risk_Management}} (Risk Management)



Neighboring non-organic fields /{{Neighboring_non_organic_fields}}



Non-organic activities of same farm/ {{Non_organic_activities_of_same_farm}}



Industry, Motorways, wastewater/{{Industry_Motorways_wastewater}}



Others (specify) / {{Others_specify}}



1st Inspection Check Point

2nd Inspection Check Point

Measure taken to minimize the risk / {{Measure_taken_to_minimize_the_risk}}:



Compliance with previous conditions / {{Compliance_with_previous_conditions}}



Compliance this year / {{Compliance_this_year}}



Comments/{{Comments}} : {{comments1}}

Comments/{{Comments}} : {{comments2}}

Declaration : The farmer herewith confirms that he/she has complied with the internal organic standars and has declared all used inputs activities as stasted in this form. The farmer has noted the set conditions.

{{Declaration}} : {{The_farmer_herewith_confirms_that_he_she_has_complied_with_the_internal_organic_standars_and_has_declared_all_used_inputs_activities_as_stasted_in_this_form_The_farmer_has_noted_the_set_conditions}}-

Declaration : The farmer herewith confirms that he/she has complied with the internal organic standars and has declared all used inputs activities as stasted in this form. The farmer has noted the set conditions.

{{Declaration}} : {{The_farmer_herewith_confirms_that_he_she_has_complied_with_the_internal_organic_standars_and_has_declared_all_used_inputs_activities_as_stasted_in_this_form_The_farmer_has_noted_the_set_conditions}}-

Date of Inspection / {{Date_of_Inspection}}: {{date_of_inspection1}}

Date of Inspection / {{Date_of_Inspection}}: {{date_of_inspection2}}

Signature of Farmer



Signature of Farmer



Signature of Internal Inspector



Signature of Internal Inspector



Approval Decision / {{Approval_Decision}}



Additional conditions/ {{Additional_conditions}}:


Additional conditions/ {{Additional_conditions}}:


Signature of Approval Manager :

{{Signature_of_Approval_Manager}} :


Signature of Approval Manager :



Date/{{Date}}: {{date1}}

Date/{{Date}}: {{date2}}